Ariela Jacobs Wows me with “The Sound”

You know those times when you hear music and it just floors you? Those times when you’re captivated from the first notes and when the song’s done you’re desperate to tell everyone you can about it? I’m lucky I suppose, because when I’m struck this way I can tell people through my blog. So excuse me while I gush about Melbourne singer-songwriter Ariela Jacobs and her incredible single “The Sound.”

This is special stuff. Ariela’s voice is sent from heaven, and she has an incredible knack for crafting a folk-pop melody. I was entranced all the way through this song which sits somewhere between the vintage stylings of Joni Mitchell and the more modern flair of Regina Spektor. If you love those artists, you have to listen to this. Hell, even if you don’t, you need to take a chance on this. Just press play. Do it!

Ariela’s planning to release her debut EP early next year, and if “The Sound’s” anything to go by, it’s going to be incredible.

Image used with permission from Flew the Coop

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