Violin Virtuoso Patrick Roberts Releases Pink for National Breast Cancer Foundation

It’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas presents. I’ve got your Grandma sorted; buy her Pink by Patrick Roberts and she’ll love you forever.

You might not know the name, but Patrick is one of this country’s most talented young violinists. The album features his exquisite instrumental covers of old favourites like “La Vie En Rose” and “Smile” as well as more contemporary songs like “Wind Beneath My Wings” and “Hallelujah.” It’s a beautiful collection, and one with a serious purpose.

Patrick will donate all proceeds from sales of Pink to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. It’s a cause close to Patrick’s heart after his mother was diagnosed with the disease in 2009. She’s well now, but it took a mastectomy, six months of chemo, and six weeks of daily radiotherapy to get her there.

“She was extremely sick throughout the chemotherapy and at times thought she was not going to survive through it all,” Patrick recounts in the album’s press release. “Throughout this terrible time it really opened my eyes to the many women in the world who have been affected by this disease.”

So get Pink for your grandma or another special person in your life, and for all the people across Australia who may get breast cancer (because let’s face it, men get it too!).

Pink is in stores now.

Image used with permission from Sony Music Australia

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