Cry Baby Turns Tears Into Strength

Sunshine Coast alt-pop artist Cry Baby has reclaimed the time-honoured insult. She performs under the moniker, which is also the name of her new single. By embracing the nickname, Cry Baby sends the message that it’s more than OK to cry and be in touch with your emotions. I think that’s something we could all stand to hear right now!

“This first song introduces who I am. Once upon a time, being called a ‘cry baby’ used to break me. It made me feel weak, but now I’ve turned it into my superpower,” she said. “I don’t want anyone else to be held back because they’re sensitive or emotional. We shouldn’t see feelings as flaws, but as badges of honour. No one should ever have to apologise for being connected with their emotions and for essentially being human.”

As someone who was often accused of being too sensitive and emotional, I love the sentiment behind this track. But I also really dig its sound. It’s so catchy I’m sure I’ll be humming it around the house. Cry Baby’s voice is so compelling and that melody is first-rate. I can’t wait to hear more from this exciting new artist!

Image used with permission from Kitty Kitty Bang Bang

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