“The Neverending Glory” – Vaudeville Smash

I must admit, I haven’t known quite what to make of Melbourne’s Vaudeville Smash when their singles hit my inbox. I appreciated their funky grooves and catchy melodies, but their off-the-wall lyrics left me scratching my head. However, after spending time with their new album The Neverending Glory I’m firmly on board the Vaudeville Smash train.

Looking at the album cover tells you a lot about Vaudeville Smash. They’re certainly not a band that takes themselves too seriously. They’re also incredibly nostalgic. When you take their songs in isolation it might seem like they’re poking fun at their influences, but their tongue is always planted firmly in their collective cheek.

The band delights in playing with genre, taking us on a wild journey through their musical influences. The opening track “Clothes Off” is as bold as its title suggests, a delightful disco-pop number that subverts the typically gendered relationship roles. “Sweet Pyromania” is every bit as sexy, with more soulful undertones. It makes you think you know where this album is going, but then Vaudeville Smash hits you with the delightfully unhinged “Banana Man.” With a soul-rock sound reminiscent of Huey Lewis or Bob Seger, it’s as wacky as it sounds.

As the album unfolds, Vaudeville Smash delivers authentic yacht rock, dirty funk, and even Italo disco. “Cuccinated” and “Nonna” celebrate the culture of the nation’s European immigrants. “I Like Video Games” is pure nerd pop. I could wax lyrical about other standouts, but I want you to discover them for yourself.

What I can say is that The Neverending Glory is like nothing that you’ll hear this year. My advice is to hold on tight and enjoy the ride. Vaudeville Smash will play the following shows in the coming weeks:

17 April 2021 – Verrierdale Hall, Verrierdale
30 April 2021 – The Night Cat, Fitzroy
1 May 2021 – The Night Cat, Fitzroy

Images used with permission from Play MPE

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