Waxflower Embrace the Dark Side With “Soak”

Waxflower have ushered in a new sonic era with their latest single, “Soak.” The Brisbane pop-punk outfit has dabbled in electronic elements before, but this track really embraces layered synthy sounds. It’s a little darker and heavier than their usual fare, and those notes are perfect for continuing the band’s exploration of mental health issues.

“‘Soak’ is about the lowest of lows, standing before a hopelessness that feels insurmountable,” explained Waxflower’s frontman Tristan Higginson. “When my panic attacks were at their worst, I wanted a medicated lobotomy — I just wanted it to be done. The song zeroes in on those moments where you would give up anything for the pain to stop.

“The most intense struggles often feel the most insular. Being told “everything’s going to be ok” doesn’t do much when you’re gasping for air. Soak lives in those moments without an agenda, it’s just down there, feeling the pain with you.”

Waxflower were due to play EP shows in Melbourne last week, but that nasty coronavirus still has a way of ruining plans. Hopefully those gigs get rescheduled soon and we can look forward to welcoming Waxflower back to the stage.

Image used with permission from Habit Music Co; credit: Mitch Lowe

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