Jackie Bristow, Rick Price, and Mark Punch @ Lizotte’s, Kincumber – 12 January 2008

Gigs are a lot like singles really. Most of the time you’ve got your standard format: the big commercial success and the B-side. Everyone’s there for the big hit while the B-side, which may actually be very good, tends to act as a bit of padding.

But occasionally you happen upon a show that’s a double A-side: two accomplished artists sharing the bill without any hint of ego. Last night I was lucky enough to attend such a show when Jackie Bristow, Rick Price, and session guitarist extraordinaire Mark Punch graced the stage at Lizotte’s.

I wasn’t familiar with Jackie’s work before the show, but the New Zealand songbird instantly drew me in. She performs with such joy and honesty, it’s impossible not to like her. Jackie’s songs are simple and heartfelt, and their stripped back acoustic delivery allowed the lyrics to shine. I was captivated by her voice: pure and sweet like honey. Needless to say, I willingly forked over some cash for a copy of Jackie’s album after the set.

In constrast, Rick Price seems like an old friend. I first saw him in the early 90s when, as a pimply-faced teenager, I skipped school to see him perform at my local shopping centre. We’ve both aged tremendously since then, but some things never change. He can still take me back to my youth with songs like “Not a Day Goes By,” “Walk Away Renee,” and “Heaven Knows.”

But Rick is more than a faded popstar looking to cash in on a nostalgic crowd. His new songs were magical, showing us that he’s definitely still got it. Without a trace of ego, Rick invited Jackie on stage to accompany him on a cover of The Everly Brothers’ ballad “Let It Be Me.” Watching Rick, Jackie, and Mark together on stage was one of those moments where you know you’re witnessing something special.

I left Lizotte’s with that sensation still lingering. What a night.

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