My Top 10 Aussie Guilty Pleasures

This month we’ve been talking about guilty pleasures in the music channel. We all have them, those songs we love but we rarely admit to. From the silliest pop song to the most overblown power ballad, we’re lifting the lid on our secret indulgences. I’ve decided to make this a video post as many of these film clips are so tragic they’re guilty pleasures too.

Olivia Newton-John has produced some of the greatest guilty pleasures around, so choosing just one for my top ten was a tall order. But I’ve gone with “Xanadu,” from the movie which is also a bit of a guilty pleasure. The terrible ’80s fashion, more roller skates than I think I’ve ever seen in a film clip, it’s brilliant.  

I admit it, I’ve been a Human Nature fan for years. I loved them way before they were schmoozing with Motown legends. I loved them when were singing disposable pop songs, and when they were dancing their way around Sydney in terrible film clips. This music video for “Got It Goin’ On” brings together these loves.

Speaking of early musical crushes, I bring you Invertigo. Now there’s a name you haven’t heard in a while, right? They only made one album, and when I listen to it now it’s more than a little bit cheesy. But “Chances Are” is still a great song, and I still love this film clip because Christian Argenti gets all wet in it. Oooer.

And before they were Invertigo, they were Pseudo Echo (well three quarters of them were anyway). Some people may have chosen “Funky Town” for the list, but I maintain their version is far superior to the original. No, the real guilty pleasure is “Listening,” with its big ’80s electro beats and that ridiculously catchy chorus.

I’ve always thought 1927’s “If I Could” was one of the most romantic songs ever written. But we all know how cringe-worthy a good dose of cheesy romance is, particularly when it’s wrapped up in a power ballad. I’m not sure what happened to 1927, but I’m glad they left us this.

While we’re on the topic of romance, they don’t get much soppier than “Especially for You.” Everything about this Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan song is terrible. The lyrics are awful. The film clip is so frustrating (how do they keep missing one another?!). And the less said about Kylie’s perm, the better. But against the odds, I love it.

Neighbours has given us a few guilty pleasures hasn’t it? Another soapie star who decided to give singing a try was Craig McLachlan. Here he is with his band Check 1-2 and his mullet singing out “Mona.” Just try to get this out of your head.

Yes indeed, before he was a soap star in America Rick Springfield was just a kid from Sydney. Sure he didn’t do a lot more than “Jessie’s Girl,” but this song is such a guilty pleasure that I can forgive him. He may not have been a very good dancer, but he was so handsome!

I believe every country deserves a hair band, a group of lads with big fluffy dos capable of belting out an epic ballad. America had Poison, Sweden had Europe, England had Whitesnake, and Australia had Roxus. Sure there was just that one big album, but it spawned the monster hit “Where Are You Now?” I’m actually wondering that myself! Surely there’s another album left in them. 

The ’80s really were all about guilty pleasures, weren’t they? So I figured it was only fitting to end on another gem from the decade that taste forgot, “Change in Mood” by Kids in the Kitchen. This is Aussie New Wave at its best (or worst depending on your point of view).

So there you have it. I’ve spilled my guts, now it’s your turn. I want to hear your guiltiest musical pleasures. Don’t be shy!

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