New Shows for Crowded House, Powderfinger, and Silverchair

It’s hardly surprising, but punters have snapped up tickets for the upcoming Crowded House and Powderfinger/Silverchair concerts.

It took just one hour for Crowded House to sell out Melbourne’s Rod Laver Arena on Friday. The venue seats 14,000, which means an amazing four tickets were sold every second.

They also did a roaring trade in New South Wales and Western Australia. A new Melbourne show is currently on sale, while additional Sydney, and Perth shows will go on sale tomorrow. EMI Music claims these will be the last shows announced, so fans had better get in quickly.

Fans also bought up big when Silverchair and Powderfinger tickets were on sale on Monday morning. Within 30 minutes, all tickets to the bands’ shows in Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, and Wollongong were gone.

It didn’t take long for the Gold Coast, Townsville, Newcastle, and Perth to follow suit. However, fans in all cities except the Gold Coast have a second chance to see the shows, as additional concerts have been announced for all other cities. Punters are allowed to buy a maximum of six tickets to try and keep things fair.

It’s been a long time since two such massive homegrown tours were announced, and it’s heartening to see the Australian public’s enthusiasm for supporting their local talent. I have no doubt there are plenty of sad looking bank accounts around the country, but I’m sure it’ll all be worth it.

Image source: Angela N @

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