Shock Horror! Ben McKenzie Gets Idol Boot!

As a writer I try my best to stay relatively unbiased. But I’ve got to tell you, I’m reeling from last night’s Australian Idol announcement. It was a verdict show that no one predicted, with competition favourites Matt Corby and Ben McKenzie standing in the bottom two. The thought that either of them would leave so early was unfathomable but, as we all know, one had to go. And that person was Ben McKenzie.

The cheerful teen took the news in his stride, insisting we haven’t seen the last of him.

“I’m so happy with where I’ve come, it’s been so amazing, it’s great, it’s so big,” he said. “It’s not over for me, I’m not done.”

Ben announced his plans to shoot a movie in January, a creative endeavour which will include some of his original songs.

I can’t help thinking Australian Idol will be a much poorer competition without Ben McKenzie. He was my favourite, pure and simple, and I looked forward to his performances every week. He was consistently good, and often he was absolutely magical.

Maybe I’m wrong though. Maybe Ben’s shock exit will reaffirm to the remaining finalists that no one is safe and they’ll deliver some amazing performances. Whatever happens, I’m really sorry to see Ben go and I’m appalled at the voting public that they let it happen.

I’ll miss you Ben!

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