Music Blog Spotlight: Our Guilty Pleasures

I wasn’t the only one to dish the dirt on my some of the guilty musical pleasures. My fellow bloggers in the musical channel weren’t too proud to admit to their own daggy discs.

Mike at Big Apple Music Scene shared his love for Barry Manilow, Pat Benatar, and The Bay City Rollers (ask your Mum). I was with him on everything until he mentioned the kilted ones!

Scott at Metal Martyr also isn’t afraid to admit that Barry Manilow’s “Mandy” is one of his guilty pleasures. Of course, he’ll only listen to it when he’s alone … with headphones.

It might surprise you to know that our other resident dark music freak, Derek at Industrial Addiction, also loves a little Hinder, Sarah McLachlan, and Beck.

Roberta at Ear Sucker shares my Culture Club love, and throws in a little Survivor (yes, the band who sang “Eye of the Tiger”).

Bruce at Our Digital Music says even though he knows he probably shouldn’t, he loves to boogie to a little Gloria Gaynor and Pink.

Dave at Brit Music Scene ‘fessed up that he’s a bit partial to a little Spice Girls, James Blunt, and Blue (remember them girls?).

Jyle at Hip Hop Roll’s swallowed his pride to admit he loves a little Dire Straits, Pussycat Dolls, and Tim McGraw.

It’s pretty hard for a girl as cool as Jennifer from Hippie Sounds to find some daggy songs in her collection, but she did it. Check out her post, filled with old school Kenny Loggins (that’s pre-Footloose kids), Rod Stewart, and Todd Rundgren goodness.

Ordinarily Deb at She Playes Music writes about cool chicks like Aretha Franklin and Melissa Etheridge. Not today. Today it’s all about The Spice Girls and Katrina and the Waves.

He may write The Good Musician, but Arjun is just as guilty as the rest of it when it comes to loving bad music. Three words. Right Said Fred.

And finally, Sammi at 52 Bands confesses her love for Akon, The Spice Girls, and emo-pop bands.

Image source: Steve Harvey @ Unsplash

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