Sir Paul Plans Australian Tour

It’s been 15 years since he last visited our shores, but it looks like Sir Paul McCartney will tour Australia next year.

Sir Paul told The Sunday Telegraph he is waiting to put the nasty business of his divorce behind him before confirming his 2008 touring commitments.

“Next year I am starting to plan some touring, but I don’t know how much,” he admitted. “In truth, the whole situation is a little complicated by the fact that I am separating from my missus.

“That kind of colours an awful lot of what my travelling plans are because I have got a little four-year-old. Anyone who has been through this kind of thing will understand that she is my priority, the little one.”

But it seems Australia is definitely Paul’s destination of choice.

“I have been dying to get to Oz for an awful long time. I am planning it. I am hoping for it. I would love to get down there because I haven’t been forever. If we get down there, man, we’re going to have fun.”

Image source: Antonio Delgado @ Wikimedia Commons

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