Tasty Australian Tunes at Austin’s SXSW Festival

A smorgasboard of local talent will take part in the third annual Aussie Tastes & Tunes concerts at Austin’s famous SXSW festival. The three-day event at the Whole Foods Market will combine two great Aussie loves: great music and delicious food!

Josh Pyke, Angus & Julia Stone, and Andy Bull will headline the event designed to promote musical talent from New South Wales. They’ll play alongside other New South Welshmen Loene Carmen, Kara Grainger, Anthony Snape, and Andy Clockwise. Victoria’s Andy White and The Kin from South Australia will also take part.

Aussie Tastes & Tunes will feature some stripped back and acoustic sets, making them a real treat for the Austin crowd. If you’re in the area make sure you check out the shows from the 19th to 21st of March between noon and 2 pm. The Whole Foods Market is at 525 North Lamar Boulevard in Austin, Texas.

For plenty more about the SXSW festival, make sure you check out our own Austin Sound Check!

Image source: Bratha @ Flickr

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