The Scare Reborn with Oozevoodoo

The Scare are back with a brand new album, curiously titled oozevoodoo. oozevoodoo

oozevoodoo is about cleansing and rebirth,” explained Scare frontman Kiss Reid. “It represents the rebirth of this band’s hunger.”

It’s a natural progression from Chivalry, with a heavier attack, back-to-basics rhythms, and more complex vocal melodies. We get a taste of these elements in the disc’s first single, “Could Be Bad,” which is now streaming online.

Oozevoodoo will hit record stores on August 7. To support the release The Scare will join old mates Children Collide on the Chosen Armies tour. You can also catch them at the Triple J Party at The Gov in Adelaide on Thursday, and the Coaster Festival in September.

Image used with permission from Delinquents

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