Q & A with MM9’s Ben Ellingworth

MM9 are one of Australia’s most exciting new electronic rock outfits. To coincide with the release of their debut album The Air Between, the Sydney lads are about to embark on a national tour. I recently caught up with the band’s drummer and sample guru Ben Ellingworth to chat about the album, life on the road, and why he loves being on stage.

While you’ve got a loyal following, many Aussies may not be familiar with your music. How would you describe your sound?
Energetic, hard electro rock.

You’re about to release your debut LP The Air Between. What can you tell me about the album?
It’s a real progression in sound and style for us, and hopefully its the kind of record that reminds people why they went mental at the last MM9 show. It’s different from the previous releases but it’s not a complete departure.

The album was mixed by Mike Barbiero, who’s worked with some massive names like Guns N’ Roses and Metallica. What did he bring to your sound?
His attention and passion for what he does makes you realize why he has such an extensive discography including Anthrax, John Lennon, Thrice, Cypress Hill, Madonna; the list is ridiculous. The perfect blend of clarity and depth yet still keeping the energy of the raw live feel was amazing for us, he really captured an MM9 live show on record.

You’ve recorded a couple of EPs before this. How did that process prepare you for putting together the full-length album?
The first two EPs were both recorded quite differently, and I think we were very much still discovering what we really wanted to achieve. Every band has to spend a fair bit of time discovering their strengths, and with us it’s within the live show so with the full length album we really wanted to capture as much of the live energy of the band as possible.

As well as getting a lot better at pulling sounds, we all individually had a clear idea of what was needed to get the sounds from our amps, drums etc. Dan (who co-produced along with all his other duties) has gained so much experience over the past few years with all his remix/production work as well as mixing previous MM9 Releases had such a clear vision for sounds. There was very little in the way of editing with this album and I think that helped maintain the live element.

Originally there was the option to go over to the States and be there for the mix, but a sudden shift in the Aussie dollar changed things quite a bit. Files had to be sent back and forth with all of us receiving e-mails up to five times a day with different versions, and everything had to be orchestrated in order for the changes to be made correctly. That was a whole new experience for us. It really helped us learn how to articulate what we wanted from our music.
You’re travelling all over the country, from east to west, to support the CD. Are there any shows you’re particularly looking forward to?
Personally I’m really looking forward to getting back over to W.A. We had the best time over there. There is a strong appreciation for good players so all the bands over there are smoking! We spent more time in Brisbane last year than anywhere else and have made so many great mates up there so we are looking forward to playing at The Lost Weekend in March as well as our own dates on the tour. Home is the Annandale and there’s nothing quite like coming home! April 3 at “The ‘Dale” will be a birthday gig for me so I’m super keen on that one!

You’re covering a lot of ground during this tour. How do you entertain yourself on those long trips?
There is very little in the way of conversation! Hahaha! And I think that’s a survival tip for any band: be cool with not having to talk to one another!!! Everyone has their own vibe; we kind of split up and do our own thing. Normally we catch up with friends that we’ve met over the years and just hang in our own individual ways. I actually really dig just walking around a city or town I’ve never been before and really checking it all out.

You’ve toured tirelessly over the last few years. How do you keep things fresh when you’re playing so many shows?
It has a lot to do with the way we create sounds in the rehearsal room and at home. With such a strong use of samplers and synths, electronic drums, and pedals, it feels endless in what we can create. We are constantly remixing our older material live so we can give the crowds and ourselves a fresh approach to songs in the set that have been around for years.

Can you share any crazy tour stories with me?
Yeah! Are you ready for this? Most of the time after shows we go back to our hotel and go to sleep.

What do you miss most when you’re on the road?
I think I miss my health the most whilst I’m away! Things have become more comfortable touring-wise these days, so the creature comforts aren’t really missed.  I actually miss not being on the road more than anything else. I get restless when I’m home for too long, but my liver loves it!

The Metal Forge said everyone needs to witness this band live at least once in their life. What makes your live show so special?
I guess it’s the focus on the audience and not getting too insular with what we want from the show. We want to make sure the crowds are left satisfied, yet teased enough to keep coming back! And there is always the threat of something we like to call Plan B! I can’t go into now, but one day it will happen and you’ll here about it. It’s for people who love Mexican wrestling masks and running away from things! I’ve said too much. You wait!! Greatest finale ever!!

The Air Between is available in stores and for digital download on March 12. You can see MM9 at the following venues around the country.

5 March 2010 – UNSW Roundhouse, Sydney (With COG)
3 April 2010 – The Annandale Hotel, Sydney (with Electric Horse and Breaking Orbit)
9 April 2010 – Revolver Upstairs, Melbourne (with My Secret Circus and special guests)
10 April 2010 – The Pelly Bar, Frankston (with special guests)
14 April 2010 – The Hoey Moey, Coffs Harbour (with Electric Horse and Swimming with Sharks)
15 April 2010 – The Brewery, Byron Bay (with Electric Horse)
16 April 2010 – Neverland, Coolangatta (with Electric Horse and guest)
17 April 2010 – Rosies, Brisbane (with Electric Horse, Arctic and Feed)
22 April 2010 – Prince of Wales, Bunbury (with special guests)
23 April 2010 – Breakers Bar, Geraldton (with special guests)
24 April 2010 – Amplifier, Perth (with special guests)
25 April 2010 – Newport Hotel, Fremantle (with special guests)

Image used with permission from Repertoire Publicity

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