Trinity Scores Role in Jason Derulo Music Video

The girls from Melbourne group Trinity seem to be doing everything right. They’ve just headed to Los Angeles where they will appear in Jason Derulo’s next music video.

Apparently the opportunity arose while the girls were recording their debut album in Los Angeles. There they worked with superstar choreographer Mo’at, who introduced Yianna, Sammy, and Stephanie to the R’n’B singer.

There’s a lot of hype surrounding these girls, who also recently recorded a song “Ever ‘n Ever” with legendary crooner Englebert Humperdinck. It might be a little early to start calling them our answer to the Pussycat Dolls, but they’re definitely making all the right connections.

Image used with permission from Repertoire Publicity

80 thoughts on “Trinity Scores Role in Jason Derulo Music Video

  1. Oh no way she was wearing short shorts performing on stage no way that’s terrible!!!! That is just terrible she should be wearing a potato sack! Then every one would be happy! Gee !!! Haven’t you guys seen artists on stage perfomring before wake up an stop being so jealous and give these girls a break you just love to hate them!




    problem with us Ausies ,we don’t know how to support ,we prefer to tear down , glad to hear its L.A JUDGING not these nobodies .

  3. I actually feel sorry for the two members of this group, from personal experience the blonde member is a cow and a $#@%*….she can’t be trusted very moody, lies and not the good friend she makes out to be…… your back girls, she is a big time trouble maker!! i no.
    i have withheld my true name and identity.

  4. Good Luck for this week girls, with your new song / recording.
    Can’t wait to hear it. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


  6. I think Trinity is amazing, Im happy that we have an Aus all girlband who are aiming for the stars. if you’re on twitter please follow @trinitydaily 🙂

  7. I didn’t write that last message about knowing that the girls were lesbian, how would I know?? I don’t know them personally. I am not a lesbian myself Brittany but do support the gay community. Obviously someone is trying really hard to protect them as a lot of the TRUTH is coming out about them, well 1 in particular and people are trying to hide it. All this about being a backstabber and ditching her best friend… they should wear potato sacks, they’d look better!!
    and Pep, I know you say that LA will be judging Trinity but their album will be released in Aus first, I don’t think they will do as well as you all think. All girl bands are so 90’s, it’s not what the people want!

  8. I heard that the fake blonde one is so embarrassed of her surname being “too woggy” that she uses Taylor instead…. why is she so embarrassed of her origins. I’m Greek too and the Greek community are a lovely race that don’t cause trouble and she’s trying to get as far away from that as possible. We’re embarrassed of her more than she is of us!

    Doesn’t make sense to me.

  9. bahahaha! did you ever consider that maybe her manager changed her stage name! so its shorter and she didnt have a choice in the situation!!!! and that most artists dont ever have a choice once they sign a contract!!! hopefully that makes more sense to you!

  10. The blonde amazing beautiful lady happens to be my Best friend and let me tell you we have a tight group of best friends and we all stick together through everything theres no deceipt lies or betrayal!
    I wouldnt be where i am today without the positive encouragement off my best friend……
    Ive been at all her amazing performances since she was a young girl and watched her grow into a performer of many talents.
    As for being Greek i know how to speak Greek from her so theres defanitly so shame there!!!!
    Some girls are born and blessed with amazing beauty and bodies..
    So just somefeed back Trinity is hott and i think being called next spice girls is a compliment …….xxxxxx

  11. My goodness you really come from the Greek villages . have you never heard of middle names , and she is totally Greek with a proud Greek surname , her first name is not Greek either, but when interpreted it is as Greek as it can be . , She was born with hazel eyes and fair hair as many northern Greeks are . Her great great great grand father was a Taylor ( made suits ) well that would explain the middle name . this sight has made us laugh more than you can imagine ………

  12. Sasha how do you know their album will be released in Australia first ,you seem to know more than them , and they already have a great fan base no matter where their album is released …… GO TRINITY

  13. All l would like to add to this, l went to school/dance with “The Tall one thats too thin, needs to put on weight or looks odd??
    She is the most beautiful natured person you will ever come arcross beautiful inside & out, lucky her that she is a naturally thin person…lol…. I know how much you eat miss, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone!!
    From a little girl we all knew that you were going to make it one day!
    CONGRATULATION’S “TRINITY” can’t wait for all your songs to come out….. To the other two members of Trinity, great work girls! don’t listen to any of this bull- – -t!

  14. I think it’s funny that people can hide behind a false name.

    All the below posts and a few more, copied and pasted from above, are actually from the same IP address… LOL they are all the same person, i might call the Trinity girls and tell them who it is so they know who they are.

    BY Yali on July 7th, 2010 at 2:38 pm
    I heard the blonde one ditched her best friend who she was singing with, just so she could get famous! What a cow $%@*! I won’t support people who do nasty things like that and she’s so skanky!
    It’s not just about good music, it’s also about image… have a think about dat.

    BY Billie on July 9th, 2010 at 11:27 am
    I actually feel sorry for the two members of this group, from personal experience the blonde member is a cow and a $#@%*….she can’t be trusted very moody, lies and not the good friend she makes out to be…… your back girls, she is a big time trouble maker!! i no.
    i have withheld my true name and identity.

    BY lisa on June 23rd, 2010 at 12:04 pm
    Sasha, i do agree with some of what u say, yes i saw these girls @ Motel a few months a go, don’t know any of the girls. Ido agree there is only 2 that can dance & sing and one of them was wearing underwear at this show………………but however i don’t agree with u on the rest….. i think they are tatented and they can sing, as a whole group they are absolutey beautiful & have the package….. Don’t no why you would think they are anorexic! i think that is going too far!!! It seem you know one of these girls and you are out to attack her…..if so that is being nasty. So can everyone stop all this crap and support these girls in what ever comes their way…..Thats the Christian Way!!!! Goooo Trinity!! God Bless 🙂

    BY Tara on July 14th, 2010 at 10:13 am
    All l would like to add to this, l went to school/dance with “The Tall one thats too thin, needs to put on weight or looks odd??
    She is the most beautiful natured person you will ever come arcross beautiful inside & out, lucky her that she is a naturally thin person…lol…. I know how much you eat miss, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone!!
    From a little girl we all knew that you were going to make it one day!
    CONGRATULATION’S “TRINITY” can’t wait for all your songs to come out….. To the other two members of Trinity, great work girls! don’t listen to any of this bull- – -t!

    BY Brittany on July 7th, 2010 at 6:42 pm
    First of all Sasha how do u no that these girls rnt lesbians r u one urself?
    An it sounds like all the nasty comments are coming fron unloyal friends who r just extrememly jealous!

    BY jemma on June 26th, 2010 at 4:07 am
    its funny how people see things differently in my opinion the blonde one looks odd and she cant dance if her life depended on it! I felt awkward watching her at Neverland and she shouldnt be wearing what she wore but anyway thats just my opinion! I did like the show though goodluck to you all!

    BY maria on June 26th, 2010 at 9:05 am
    in my my opinion the blonde one cant sing or dance which is why she has her boobs and ass hanging out to distract everyone from the fact that she has no talent. The tall one needs to put on some weight and the other brunette looks like she needs to get over herself and stop sticking out her ass so much!

  15. Dear Sherlock Holmes,

    YOU’RE WRONG!!!! I only wrote my post and none of the others. These are real people on here voicing their experiences and feelings towards Trinity. There’s no doubt that Trinity have alot of explaining to do.

  16. What an absolute load of garbage!
    Sherlock & Yali, its so obvious that the two of you are playing games.
    GROW UP!
    Sherlock don’t give up your day job,as you don’t make a very good detective. YOU ARE WRONG!
    I did write one of the comments that you and Yali claim to know or write ,both of you are liers! I don’t know Yali from a bar of soap!
    My comment are very very true, not made up by Yali.
    Its very obvious that Yali is trying to set someone up, if you did your detective work right ,the way l see it, most of the comments above are made about the same person, maybe Yali is a friend of this person and is trying to do her dirty work on her behalf.
    You are both an embarrassment to yourselves or to whom you are writing these comments for.SHAME,SHAME,SHAME.
    Sherlock-Trinity have nothing to explain, both of you need to explain the garbage that you post on this sight!
    Get a Life, find something else to do to fill your time.
    by Inspector Lestrade- Sherlock you should know who I am!

  17. Yali, How dare you claim to have written my comment.
    Do you know me? Well then you must live in London! Do you?
    I have just been in touch with the person that my comment was mean’t for.
    How dare you!! I urge any genuine fans of Trinity to STOP writing on this site.

  18. Why are you getting so defensive?
    I’m just providing you with the information based on the data that I found.

    Call it what you want, but i’m not being nasty, just telling you how it is.

    You know yourself that it’s the same computer that posted those comments, could be someone else on it, but its the same PC.

    I just don’t understand why you are getting so worked up about the truth?

    Oh and yes, I do know who “inspector Lestrade” is, he was an inferior detective to Sherlock Holmes, and one that Sherlock didn’t like all that very much.

  19. Just so you all know, I only wrote the following comments:

    BY YALI ON JULY 7TH, 2010 AT 2:38 PM

    I heard the blonde one ditched her best friend who she was singing with, just so she could get famous! What a cow $%@*! I won’t support people who do nasty things like that and she’s so skanky!
    It’s not just about good music, it’s also about image… have a think about dat.

    BY YALI ON JULY 17TH, 2010 AT 12:06 AM

    Dear Sherlock Holmes,
    YOU’RE WRONG!!!! I only wrote my post and none of the others. These are real people on here voicing their experiences and feelings towards Trinity. There’s no doubt that Trinity have alot of explaining to do.
    I have no idea who’s on here trying to play with peoples minds, SHERLOCK HOLMES is a sh*% stirrer. Everyone is on here happily voicing their opinions whether they be positive or negative!
    Bottom line, SHERLOCK was wrong about the IP addresses haha looser!

  20. Why is this affecting you so much?
    Why do you keep writing msg’s to deffend yourself?
    Your obviously very insecure and addicted to this sight and the only one who cares enough to still respond. It’s become really sad and your just making a fool out of youself, you and possibly who ever lives with you. I don’t care Iv’e just seen the prove. All your msges sound the same & are proven the same and we know and that’s all that matter’s. I have nothing else to say nor will check this sight again – so now ur on your own.

  21. It’s seriously sad that your still going on and on and on. Your making a big Idiot out of yourself.
    Don’t make me say your name.
    Why are you getting so defensive?
    why does it bother you so much?
    Your the only person thats obsessed with this sight.
    You need to get a life.

  22. Tim, Sherlock, I just wanted to let you know that there’s much more going on here than Trinity drama. I write about Aussie music news every day – arguments like this are just one of those weird byproducts, but it’s certainly no reason to disregard the whole blog!

  23. I have to laugh, hahahah!!! how these comments have now stopped by people that have nothing better to do in their boring lives.
    I think you have hit the nail on the head Lauren.
    This site has nothing to do with these girls, its between other bitchy people. I hope that Trinity don’t read or go on this site…….They have nothing to prove!

  24. ahhhhhhh..after all that these comments the gals have just completed a succesful sell out world tour w Jason Derulo…Nice work gals

  25. Loved you guys at crown!! cant wait to see you next week at Trak! 🙂 verry sexyy girls 😉

  26. their parents paid a lot of money to a production company, their parents paid to go on all the tours, One of them is a very good singer and carries the other two. the other two are ok but not world class, the clothing they wear is there normal attire. like so many groups they don’t quiet have it. one may go on to a solo career and it will be like the 5th beetle he should not have been there either that’s why they got rid of him

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