“Mushu” – Mushu

The self-titled EP from Sydney band Mushu crossed my desk earlier this week, and it’s taken up permanent residence in my stereo. In just six tracks this exciting act has made a big impression on me.

It all starts with the attention grabbing “Neap Tide,” a powerful track which juxtaposes gorgeous sweet harmonies with wailing guitars. It’s an interesting juxtaposition, but one that manages to work.

Mushu are no strangers to this kind of unlikely pairing. Lead singer Simone’s vocals are warm and lush, with a gentle emotional rasp. Her voice struck a real personal chord with me; it’s got a quiet feminine strength about it. It gets even stronger when paired with Mushu’s big sounds, those insistent guitars on “Neap Tide,” the pounding piano and driving strings of “Don’t Forget Me.”

The first half of the EP shocks your senses, while the second settles into a gentler groove. The music is more subtle here, although you’d never accuse it of fading into the background. “Paper Aeroplane” was a standout for me, with its gorgeous lyrics and compelling raw emotion. I was also shocked by the stunning crescendo the band builds in “Carousel Heart.”

In this EP Mushu have proven to be a band that’s impossible to ignore. In a sea of beige musical acts, that is a very good thing.

Mushu’s self-titled EP is available through iTunes.

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