Q & A with The Checks’ Callum Martin

The Checks have conquered their native New Zealand, and now they have their sights set on Oz. I recently caught up with the band’s guitarist Callum Martin to chat about their upcoming Aussie tour, their new album Alice by the Moon, and what he loves about Oz.

You had a mini tour here in April. What made you want to come back so soon?
We enjoyed the seafood so much that we booked flights as soon as we got home! Regardless of outcome, we’ve always wanted to release an album in Australia, we think this one could go down well with you guys.

You’ve enjoyed real success in your native New Zealand. What’s inspired you to try and crack the Australian market?
It’s the closest country to us and Australia seems like a natural step in our direction as a band.

You’re about to tour Australia next month to support the release of your album Alice by the Moon. Why are we going to love it?
Because you’ve never seen a rock band do it the way we do. Ed really looks great on stage and Sven is bound to melt your face off!

You’ve got shows all the country. Is there anywhere in particular you’re looking forward to seeing?

We have some mates in Melbourne who we’re quite keen to catch up with. I always enjoy that city.

You’ve got some time between your Melbourne and Brisbane shows. Are you planning on doing any sightseeing?
Well we’ll have to see; I’d really like to see Ed wrestle a croc! The wildlife in Oz has always been a draw card for me anyway.
I’ve heard The Checks described as one of the most consistently thrilling live acts. How do you make sure each show is at that level when you’ve been on the road for a while?
Through my fitness. I generally like running and try to get out whenever I am in a new city.

You’ve supported some amazing acts in your time including AC/DC, The Hives, and Oasis. What have you learned being a part of those big scale shows?
That Malcolm Young plays through five guitar amps live and that to have success like those guys you really have to believe in yourselves 180%.

You’ve achieved so much in your careers and you’re still only in your early 20s. What do you hope to achieve in the next ten years?
A headlining tour through Oz following a number one Checks album.

Australia has a habit of luring Kiwi bands away, like Evermore, Gin Wigmore, and Crowded House. Can you imagine basing yourself here, or will you always call New Zealand home?

Australia is a beautiful place, no doubt about that. NZ will always be home but we’re semi running out of places to rock out!

After this tour, what’s next for The Checks?
Maybe some summer shows in 2011, maybe the festival buzz. We’d really like to be playing over Oz in that case! Possibly a third album in the works too, we’ll see how we go. We’re very much open at this point.

See The Checks on their Alice By The Moon tour at the following venues.

1 September 2010 – Spectrum, Sydney (with Kids at Risk and Convaire)
2 September 2010 – Jive Bar, Adelaide (with Lyla and Jay Walker and the Pedestrians)
3 September 2010 – Ding Dong Lounge, Melbourne (with The Demon Parade)
9 September 2010 – Big Sound Live @ The Troubador, Brisbane
10 September 2010 – X&Y Bar, Brisbane (with Montpelier, Charlie Mayfair & Dancehall Paradiso)

Image used with permission from Positive Feedback

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