“Behind Closed Doors” – Walking with Mirrors

It’s impossible to dislike Sydney outfit Walking with Mirrors. With their debut EP Behind Closed Doors they deliver five tracks that easily find their way under your skin. They’re not so revolutionary on the surface, but there’s just something about them.

We’ve all heard this kind of melodic rock before, with its big chords and sing-along choruses. But the conviction behind these songs elevates them above the pack. Lead singer Ryan Burke is a big part of the key to this band’s success. He gives the songs their heart, the gut-wrenching emotion that makes you believe the lyrics, no matter how clichéd some of them might be. I also give props to lead guitarist Jackson Holt, whose blistering hand speed kick so many of the tunes up a notch.

Not that everything hits the mark. While the title track “Behind Closed Doors” is undeniably catchy, when Ryan sings about the pressures of cameras in your face it doesn’t ring true. Perhaps the band simply ascribes to the “fake it until you make it” theory, but it sounds a bit insincere on a debut EP.

But Walking with Mirrors have a great energy, and a natural music sensibility. They rock hard, but they never forget about taking the audience along for the ride. The five tracks are a little samey, but they also appear to have come from a place of real heartache. There’s a lot to like here, and that helps Behind Closed Doors overcome any shortcomings.

Image source: Walking with Mirrors MySpace page

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