Make Some Extra Money with Posse

As readers of my blog, you’re probably passionate about Australian music and always keen to turn your friends on to the artists that you love right? We all happily do this sort of promotion for free, but there’s a nifty site called Posse that wants to pay you for it.

The model is simple. Every time one of your friends buys a ticket to a concert or downloads a song you’ve promoted you’ll get a commission, which could be between 50c and $10. The site has applications for MySpace and Facebook, so you can promote the artists you love without feeling like a pushy salesperson. I actually use Posse here on Sounds of Oz to make it easier for my readers to buy tickets to the shows I mention. I’ve got to keep this blog afloat somehow, right?

If you think Posse sounds like a great way to earn some extra pocket money, just head to the website and sign up for a free account. Too easy!

Image used with permission from Revolutions per Minute

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