Q & A with The Dead Love’s Clint Ossington

From the ashes of several Sydney underground acts comes The Dead Love, a band who’s already selling out shows a month after their inception. They’re currently touring around the country with MM9, but guitarist Clint Ossington still found time to talk about life on the road, in the studio, and how it all got started.

The Dead Love

You’ve only been together since April, but are already selling out local shows. Has that taken you by surprise?
We have all come from other bands that did OK in Sydney’s underground; that and being fortunate enough to have our first shows with great bands has been the formula in achieving it. We could all feel this was something special from our first jam and the reaction from people so far has been fantastic; sell out bills has been a huge bonus we’re thankful for.

How did the band come together?
Stevie K [singer/guitarist] had a few tunes he had been working on for a side project. He knew both Gene and I from around the traps and had seen us play. We were the first two on his list to contact. We all met up for a beer and a listen. One drink and a listen turned into many and we all agreed that night to get together and see what happens. The concept was simple: we all loved to drink and play rock music. That’s what we have been doing since and things have naturally moved fast.

I believe you’ve nearly finished recording your debut album. What can you tell me about it?
We are nine songs down but not 100% sure if we will drop an album or EP. We have our next two singles ready for release and they will be dropping early 2011 alongside the music videos. Everything we are releasing has been self recorded and produced. It’s cool to do things exactly the way we want them and on our own schedule.

You’re about to release your debut single “She Ate Me Alive.” Are you looking forward to unleashing that?
Absolutely we can’t wait to get the single out. Were really exciting to see how people react to what we are doing recorded.

You’re out on the road with MM9 supporting them on their New South Wales tour. Are you fans of their music?
We all have a huge respect for MM9 both personally and musically. They have to be one of the biggest sounding live acts in the country, things are going to get loose.
After spending time in the recording studio, are you itching to get out on stage?
Hell yeah, nothing beats playing live rock n roll we love it!

What do you love about performing live?
How real your music translates; you can’t fake a good show you have to work! People are not stupid and when you engage a room with the art you have created it’s an amazing feeling, we feed of it.

This tour will take you to some regional areas. Is this the first time you’ve taken the band out of Sydney, and if so are you looking forward to that?
Yeah first time and definitely not the last; we want to play everywhere we possibly can. Life on the road sounds like the good life to us!

When will the rest of Australia get the chance to see you doing your thing live?
National tour in the pipeline for early 2011

After this tour wraps up, what’s next for The Dead Love?
Back in the studio for more writing/recording. Single number 2 will drop early 2011, stay tuned.

You can catch The Dead Love and MM9 tonight at Windor’s Fitzroy Hotel and tomorrow at The Cambridge in Newcastle.

Image source: The Dead Love Facebook page

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