Happy Valentine’s Day

It’s Valentine’s Day folks, that time of year where the world gets a little bit sappier. I must admit, I’m not immune to this Hallmark holiday. We reject the way restaurants jack up their prices, so I’m preparing to spend the afternoon whipping up a three-course meal. Yep, entrée, main, and even dessert. I have no sweet tooth, yet I’m getting set to create something sugary just for him. If that doesn’t say “I love you,” I don’t know what does.

Given that love is in the air I figured I’d post an Aussie song with a bit of personal meaning for me, “You’re My Better Half” by Keith Urban. We actually cut the cake at our wedding to this song nearly five years ago. We’ve all heard that phrase “better half,” but unless you’ve really been in a good relationship you can’t fully understand what it means. I don’t buy into that idea of a person completing you, but I do think the right one can bring out your very best qualities. People who know me say I’ve blossomed since meeting my husband; I’m more confident and outgoing and generally happier. I like to think I’ve been just as much of an asset to him!

So to my husband Steve, you are my better half. You know how much I love you, but on days like this I get a license to make the public declarations. Here’s to many more Valentine’s Day together!

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