Vale Jay Dee Springbett

I was shocked and saddened to hear this morning of the death of Jay Dee Springbett.

All the media articles are talking about his short stint as judge on Australian Idol, but it’s also worth noting his time as A&R exec at Sony Music. His contribution there was vital in shaping the careers of artists like Guy Sebastian, Shannon Noll, and the Rogue Traders.

He was found dead in his serviced apartment in Sydney after colleagues became concerned that he wouldn’t answer his phone. NSW Police say they’re not treating the death as suspicious, but when a 36-year-old drops dead something’s not right. It stirs speculation, and I’m already hearing rumours of him losing his position at Sony in the last week, and splitting with his partner a few months earlier.

I’m sure exactly what went on will become clearer in time. For now though it’s just sad that the Australian music industry has lost one of its own far too young. My thoughts are with his daughters and family at what must be an incredibly difficult time.

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