Happy Valentine’s Day!

It’s Valentine’s Day. Yes it’s a Hallmark holiday, and it was a day I used to loathe as a single teen so desperate to be in love. But as a happily married adult, I think there’s something pretty sweet about a day designed to celebrate love.

My husband and I don’t make a big deal about Valentine’s Day. We buy a joint gift every year, a Wii game or a cookbook, something that will encourage us to spend some extra time together. Sometimes we eat out but with it falling mid-week I’m on cooking duty this year. Add a nice bottle of wine and you’ve got the recipe for a pretty special night in, Valentine’s Day or not.

And there’s likely to be music. I’m not sure whether it’ll make its way to the stereo tonight, but with love in the air I thought I’d post “Into My Arms” by Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds. It’s one of those very honest love songs that doesn’t resort to cheesy lines or clichés. Whether you’re in love or still waiting for that special person, enjoy! And to my own darling boy, happy Valentine’s day!

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