Sans Gras Get Under My Skin

I was pretty sure I wouldn’t write about Sans Gras as I listened to “Sun Come Up,” the opening track from their new EP Shed Your Woes. I admired its ambition and dynamism, but I was struggling to find something to hang on to. I appreciated the song on an intellectual level, but I just couldn’t connect with it. I really wanted to like it because it was so interesting and bold, but I didn’t.

I promise myself that I’d listen to the whole track before turning off the EP. But then a game of Angry Birds got intense, and I found myself listening to the next song “Left and Right.” It was soulful, and so much more cohesive than the first number. It didn’t take as many risks, but it was much more enjoyable to listen to. And so in spite of my initial assessment, I decided to try track three on for size. “Wildflower” sees the quirkiness that sets Sans Gras apart used to great effect. Again it’s more accessible than “Sun Come Up” and less daring, but it’s such good fun. It lost me a little in the middle, but that lacklustre bridge is sandwiched between brilliance.

Sans Gras are the sort of band that stretches out in many different directions. They’re so creative, and even the fans probably won’t like everything they produce. But that’s pretty cool. Greatness doesn’t come from playing it safe. Sans Gras aren’t there yet, but in just three tracks they’ve shown a special spark. Keep your ear to the ground, as Sans Gras will launch Shed Your Woes with an EP tour in the not too distant future.

Image used with permission from Show Off Services

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