Fans Help Eskimo Joe Make New Album

Eskimo Joe have enjoyed the support of major labels in recent years, but they’ve decided to do things a little differently for album number six. Rather than working with a record company, the Perth band decided to let fans fund the new record through Pozible.

Fans have been quick to embrace the initiative, pledging $54, 600 at last count, far exceeding the $40, 000 Eskimo Joe hoped to raise. With the fundraising drive running until February, they might even end up doubling their target.

Contributors will have the warm fuzzy feeling that comes with helping to support local talent, as well as a few extra perks. Depending on how much they give, people who pledge can earn bonuses like advance copies of the new single and even a barbeque with the band members.

If you’re feeling skint you can still join in on the fun. Eskimo Joe will engage with their fans through social media during the writing and recording process.

“We feel that involving all our supporters like this brings a real responsibility to us to make a fucking awesome record and to also make them feel a real part of it,” the band said in an official statement. “This feels like a new creative beginning for us.”

I must admit to feeling Eskimo Joe’s album was a little lacklustre. I really hope this new direction brings them the inspiration they need to create another Aussie classic!

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