The Staffords Rock Out with New Single

Melbourne rock act The Staffords have created a real gem in their sophomore single “Love Your Job.”

This song is unashamedly catchy with just the right amount of rock edge. You just see if you’re not singing along to the chorus by the end of it! The B-side “All Your Dead Heroes” is another crowd pleaser. You can hear both tunes now on The Staffords’ Bandcamp page.

These tracks have all the mainstream appeal of something coming from a major label, so I was impressed to read the band’s independent and self-managed. Clearly they’ve got a real ear for the kind of music that makes people happy. However the dark cynicism showcased in their lyrics ensure they’re not just another cookie-cutter pop-rock act.

Hometown fans can catch The Staffords playing the new single and other tracks at The Cornish Arms in Brunswick on December 15. Hopefully it’s only a matter of time before we see them travelling around the rest of the country!

Image source: The Staffords Bandcamp page

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