Mia Dyson Sings About Forced Adoptions in “Jesse”

Those stellar singles just keep coming from Mia Dyson’s latest album The Moment. The newest is “Jesse,” a gut-wrenching song which shines a light on forced adoptions. Mia was moved to write the song after a fan, Lesley Pearse, poured her heart out after a show.

“Lesley’s story had a profound effect on me,” said Dyson. “As an unwed mother in the early 70s, she was sent to live out her pregnancy away from family and friends, told she was an unfit parent and coerced by social workers into signing papers to hand her baby over under immense pressure,” Mia explained.

“The idea that this was not just a one-off, but a systemic atrocity that has affected both mothers and their children for decades after really shocked me,” said Dyson. “I was driven to write Jesse as I think that understanding and sharing their story is the best tribute we can give to these brave women as we move towards a national apology in 2013.”

I’m so impressed with the way Mia has tapped into the soul of this story. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear she’d lived it herself. This is one of those songs that really makes you sit up and pay attention.

Mia will support the release of “Jesse” with the following shows.

9 December 2012 – Courthouse Arts, Geelong
10 January 2013 – Black Bear Lodge, Brisbane
11 January 2013 – Sound Lounge, Gold Coast
12 January 2013 – Woombye Hotel, Sunshine Coast
25 January 2013 – Portsea Hotel, Portsea
17 February 2013 – Riverboat Festival, Echuca

Image used with permission from SCG Media

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