Beat the Heat with Sun City’s Chilly Music Video

I’m hot. Really hot. The news tells me it was 46 degrees in Sydney, and it can’t be too far off on the Central Coast. My air-conditioning unit and fans are feeling pretty ineffectual at the moment.

And that may be why Sun City’s latest film clip looks extra inviting. The band’s name is pretty summery, but for the clip accompanying “High” the Perth outfit headed to Alberta, Canada. Icy, icy Alberta. All those frozen creek beds and thick snowy surfaces look like heaven right now. I’m sure the crew might have complained about the -20 degree temps, but I think they sound perfect.

I’m sure the band’s longing for them as they’ll start braving our sweltering local conditions on a national tour tonight. You can show them some love at the following venues.

18 January 2013 – The Rocket Bar, Adelaide
19 January 2013 – Slam Festival, St Kilda
20 January 2013 – Slam Festival, Scarborough
25 January 2013 – Can’t Say @ Vault 8, Melbourne
26 January 2013 Falcona Saturdays @Beach Road Hotel, Bondi (FREE)

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