“The Haze” – We All Want To

We All Want To is one of those bands that nearly passed me by. I remember being directed to the Soundcloud of the single “Road to Ruin” a few months ago and being a bit nonplussed. It wasn’t a bad track, but it didn’t inspire me enough to earn a review. However, now that I can hear the track amongst the others on We All Want To’s album The Haze, I’ve changed my tune.

From the opening track, “Eileen Afternoon” I knew I’d judged We All Want To too quickly. I has such great spirit, like a cross between The Whitlams and REM. It put a smile on my face, and by the time “Road to Ruin” rolled around a couple of songs later I could hear it with new ears. Sure, it’s not going to change the world but it’s damn good fun. Not that We All Want To are all about having a good time. “Remove the Arrow” is so touching. Tracks like this give The Haze the light and shade it needs. I also loved “Like Buildings Collapse,” with its dramatic crashing drums and soaring trumpets.

There’s a great energy about We All Want To. Reality TV judges would say the vocals are pitchy, and the fuzzy guitars aren’t going to be to everyone’s taste, but the songs are catchy as hell. They’ve got more hooks than my dad’s tackle box. I even kind of like their imperfections.

The Haze is light and summery, with fuzzy chords and easy harmonies. It’s a lovely antidote to the autumn chills we’re having, and when warmer weather rolls around it’ll make the perfect barbeque soundtrack.

We All Want To kick off their album tour tonight, so if you’re in Melbourne get your skates on! Here are all the dates.

29 May 2015 – Northcote Social Club, Melbourne
30 May 2015 – The Metro, Adelaide
5 June 2015 – Heritage Hotel, Bulli
6 June 2015 – The Phoenix, Canberra
7 June 2015 – The Vanguard, Sydney
13 June 2015 – Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane
14 June 2015 – Bison Bar, Nambour
19 June 2015 – The Spotted Cow, Toowoomba

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