“Wild Love” – Jake Bosci

Queensland pop-rock act Jake Bosci has taken me back to my teens with his new EP Wild Love.

This collection of six songs has me feeling nostalgic for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the tracks tackle themes which tap into teenage me. They speak of big loves that promise to last the test of time, heartache that rips your guts out, warring parents that just make you want to run away from it all. It’s been a long while since I’ve experienced that kind of turmoil firsthand, but you never forget it.

The sound also has me reminiscing. It reminds me of that period in the early noughties where acts like John Mayer, Gavin Degraw, Teddy Geiger, and Ryan Cabrera were just breaking through. Like these artists, Jake Bosci wears his heart on his sleeve and delivers songs with such earnest intent that even when the lyrics get a little cheesy, you believe them. By the time the closing track, the epic “Let Love Go,” rolled around I was hooked.

I do wish Wild Love was a little less produced though. Too often the production overshadows the vocals, almost as if Jake doesn’t trust in his own voice enough. I’d love to hear these songs really stripped back, even in acoustic mode, because they really are solid. The wonderful single “Heartbreak” heads in this direction, but the vocals still aren’t pure enough for my tastes.

Jake Bosci’s EP Wild Love is available on iTunes now.

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