Sophisticated Dingo Gives You “Head Talk”

A band with a name as fantastic as Sophisticated Dingo was always going to get me on side. Happily the Melbourne duo has backed up the moniker with a totally catchy new single “Head Talk.”

It’s got a great spontaneous energy about it that really cuts through. I love the big chunky guitars and heavy drums on this one. The gang-vocals of the choruses were actually recorded in the kitchen and living room of their producer’s house to give the track a more DIY sound.

It sounds fun, but all that raucous enthusiasm is wrapped around some fairly heavy lyrics about feelings of isolation.

“Even stupid little things like drunken fights over the phone can take a toll on your psyche if you don’t have clarity and closure in situations,” explained Sophisticated Dingo’s frontman Lewis “Lew” Matte. “It’s important to clear the air wherever possible and to understand the situation so you don’t falsely interpret things, for your own wellbeing.”

Mark your calendars Melbourne, because Sophisticated Dingo will launch “Head Talk” at The Tote Hotel (Upstairs) on September 1.

Image used with permission from Pompadour PR

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