Get to Know Jeremy Romeo

Townsville singer-songwriter Jeremy Romeo has charmed me with his new latest single “All You’re Meant to Be.” Its release has been some time in the making, as Jeremy penned it in 2012, but this radio-friendly pop-rock tune is worth the wait.

“’All You’re Meant to Be’ is something I’ve had in the works for the last three or four years now. I actually wrote the title track back in 2012 when I was going through a tough time emotionally, financially and physically. I was down in the dumps but I came to a crossroads where I felt that I had two options, I could sit in my room and feel sorry for myself or I could get out in the world and make positive changes, so that’s exactly what I did,” he explained.

“Every song on this EP is really a different phase of my life along the footpath of this journey I have been on the last couple of years. It’s a kind of reminder to myself that no matter how hard life gets, look at where I was then and how far I’ve come. I feel that a lot of people will resonate with that also.”

We’ll get to hear the rest of those songs when the All You’re Meant to Be EP drops on February 9.

Image used with permission from The A & R Department

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