Gang of Youths’ Finally Releases “Let Me Down Easy”

I was surprised to receive an email recently telling me Gang of Youths‘ song “Let Me Down Easy” was being released as a single. After it secured the second spot on Triple J’s Hottest 100, I’d just assumed it was already a single! But it appears I was wrong. No matter. It gives us a great opportunity to take another listen to this amazing track.

I will admit, when I saw this song polled so highly with Triple J listeners, I was a little surprise. I’d only ever heard it in the context of the album, and I felt it got a little lost there. That’s probably a testament to just how good Go Father In Lightness is. But after going back to “Let Me Down Easy,” I’m starting to hear it in a whole new light.

Let’s face it, Gang of Youths can do no wrong. Take another listen.

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