Jessica Mauboy Got Love, But Not a Eurovision Winner

When Jessica Mauboy’s Eurovision entry “We Got Love” hit my inbox, I initially resisted. I take my Eurovison seriously and I typically prefer to hear the songs for the first time in the Eurovision arena. That way my ears are fresh and familiarity doesn’t make me biased.

But curiousity got the better of me, and I figure if I’ve had a listen I might as well share my thoughts. It’s a good song. It’s incredibly catchy, and its positive lyrics are the kind of thing Eurovision eats up. But is it a winning song? That I’m not so sure about.

It’s quite predictable. People will enjoy it, no doubt, but in my opinion it doesn’t have enough quirk to separate it from so many other good Eurovision songs. I think of recent past winners and they typically had something that set what they did apart. This feels like it’s what Eurovision wanted five years ago, but not now. Jess has charisma in spades, but she’ll need to rely on more than charm to get this one over the line.

Anything can happen when we hit Lisbon, but I’m not expecting victory here.

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