RocKwiz’s Clio Unleashes Stunning Solo Single Ahead of EP Release

You might know Clio as the keyboard queen of RocKwiZ. But she’s actually an accomplished singer-songwriter in her own right, as showcased on her beautiful new single “Something Left to Leave Behind.”

It’s a delicate piece which reflects on the pain of a failed relationship with such poise and grace. The combination of strings, piano, and Clio’s angelic vocals is sublime.

“The confusion, anger and sadness after hearing your ex-partner has moved on. This song is working through all of that,” Clio explained. “The harsh, bratty vocal delivery in the chorus, accompanied by brooding chord progression were composed to take the listener into post break-up angst mayhem. The repeated epilogue at the end of the track is like the calm after the storm- a time for reflection and acceptance.”

“Something Left to Leave Behind” is the title track from Clio’s new EP. She’ll support its April 23 release with a show at Melbourne’s The Gasometer Upstairs on April 26 and another at The Bridge Hotel in Castlemaine on April 28.

Image used with permission from This Much Talent

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