Rock Out With Loser

Strap yourself in for two-and-a-half minutes of blistering rock courtesy of Melbourne band Loser. Their debut single, also called “Loser” is a sucker punch of chunky guitar riffs and slacker lyrics that I find irresistible.

There’s a spontaneous energy about the band that might come because they’re a relatively new outfit. Frontman Tim Maxwell (Apart From This/Grim Rhythm) wrote the songs in late 2017 and got Chris Cowburn (The Smith Street Band) and Craig Selak (The Bennies) involved. Just three weeks later after three jam sessions, they were in the studio. Keeping with the band’s philosophy that time’s not there for wasting, they filmed the clip at Max Watts in Melbourne just a week later.

Tim says the song is about “feeling isolated, overwhelmed and conflicted between what you feel is right within yourself, and what everyone else is constantly telling you.”

It’s just the thing you need to fire you up on the home stretch to the weekend!

Image used with permission from Deathproof PR

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