Tom Thum Releases Fascinating New TEDx Talk

Do you know who’s behind the most watched TEDx talk ever? A politician perhaps, or social activist? No, it’s Brisbane beatboxer Tom Thum, who clocked up more than 66 million views on his first TEDx talk. With his first talk going gangbusters, expect a lot of eyeballs on his latest TEDx talk “What Happens in Your Throat When You Beatbox.”

The talk sees Tom teaming up with Dr Matthew Broadhurst for an up-close and personal look on what the body does when it’s beatboxing. It’s the first time in the world a doctor has ever performed a live on stage laryngoscopy on a beatboxer, a practice that will reveal more about Tom Thum than you’ve ever seen before!

Tom’s own curiosity inspired the presentation. “Basically I wanted to get a deeper understanding (in the most invasively literal way) of how my artform worked,” he explained. “I realised that beatboxing had been relatively understudied compared to other vocal styles and I wanted to be part of the story in my own weird way.”

Turn it on and I promise you won’t be able to look away! Science meets music in this fascinating TEDx talk.

Image used with permission from Beehive PR

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