Kid Fiction Releases Spellbinding New Single Ahead of Local Shows

Sydney-based producer and vocalist Kid Fiction grapples with the big issues on his latest track “What Defines You.” He creates a complex and beautiful soundscape here, the perfect backdrop for his pure, mesmerising voice. But it’s those lyrics that really elevate this number.

“‘What Defines You’ was like wrestling a gorilla,” he recalled. “It’s really big, the themes, the concept and production … it was actually quite intimidating. No place for half measures.”

Kid Fiction has been wowing crowds across the United Kingdom and Europe over the last few months, and he’s ready to do the same here. Catch him doing what he does best at the following shows.

30 November 2018 – Subsonic Music Festival, Monkerai Valley
7 December 2018 – Rael Haus, Newcastle
9 December 2018 – North Wollongong Hotel, Wollongong

Image used with permission from The Right Profile

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