Lots of Love For Leipzig Lab’s “Unloved”

Taking their cues from Depeche Mode and Nine Inch Nails, Melbourne act Leipzig Lab have released a hard-hitting single “Unloved.”

This is actually the band’s fifth single but their first released in six months. The hiatus seems to have done that good, with the band refining their sound and creating something which is bold and unforgettable.

“We write all of our songs over the internet,” explained one half of the duo, Keiran Bahlmann. “We both have home studios and a shared drive. We take turns with coming up with parts and recordings, these automatically arrive in each other’s studios. It’s the beauty of making music in this age, we can work and rework a song until we know it’s the best it can be before we even get to rehearse it.”

It’s an unconventional approach to the creative process, but when it turns out music this strong, who am I to question it?

Image used with permission from The A&R Department

4 thoughts on “Lots of Love For Leipzig Lab’s “Unloved”

  1. These guys are awesome and this song is soo good! If you ever get a chance I highly recommend checking them out live, they have a killer live show!!

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