Angus Dawson Highlights Indigenous History With “Ngurra”

Angus Dawson taps into all he learned about our nation’s history after spending time in remote Indigenous communities in Western Australia with his introspective new single “Ngurra.” The word is used in many Indigenous languages and dialects, but always roughly translates to “home.”

“I realised during and after this trip that I had such a shallow education into Australia’s history and the culture that has existed here for 40 000+ years, making it the oldest culture on Earth,” he explained. “I felt pretty embarrassed about it. The silver lining for this experience though was that I got to witness first-hand the power of music as a universal language.”

Angus spent his time in WA working with Desert Feet, a music charity that helps communities often plagued by physical and mental health issues turn their lives around using music therapy. Practicing, recording, and performing music helps keep local language and culture alive for people in these remote areas of the country. Angus came to Desert Feet expecting to help others, but he didn’t realise how much he would also learn from the experience.

I love the official single version, currently available on Spotify and all your favourite streaming platforms, but I think the acoustic take in this video really brings those personal lyrics to the fore. Listen to them both and tell me which one you prefer!

Image used with permission from Exist. Recordings

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