Prepare to Fall for Cry Club’s “Two Hearts”

Wollongong-via-Melbourne duo Cry Club are back with single number three, “Two Hearts.” The band says it’s the closest thing they’ve written to a love song. I say it’s the best thing they’ve ever released.

“I’d come out of a relationship where I’d ignored so many red flags because I was so desperate for someone to love me! Which is not healthy,” vocalist Heather Riley explained of the song’s inspiration. “I think I was so scared of being alone that I didn’t care. That’s probably the core of the song: this kind of deranged loneliness that makes you so desperate and pathetic for a connection that you stop thinking rationally. You replay it in your head, create imaginary scenarios, think of all the ‘what-if’s – it’s exhausting!”

Cry Club have played big stages over the last 12 months, including the Yours and Owls Festival, Bigsound, and Laneway. Tomorrow night they’ll support Sweater Curse at The Grace Darling in Melbourne. If you’ve got tickets, make sure you turn up early for their set!

Image used with permission from Future Popes; credit: Giulia McGauran

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