“Now I’m Ready to Start” – Sinclaire

Just a few weeks ago I was waxing lyrical about Sinclaire’s single “It’s Not Enough,” eagerly anticipating their EP. This Sydney band set the bar so high with that release. Could I possibly love the EP as much? The answer is a resounding hell yes.

Frankly, Now I’m Ready to Start has been what’s kept me sane over the last few days of work. I can’t remember the last time I took a day off and burn-out has well and truly set in. But this EP has lifted me up with its incredible songs.

According to front man Michael Cross, the songs draw from his own “mistakes, insecurities, and negative personality traits.” Those big issues provide the perfect fodder for songs that really connect with the listener. There’s a darkness to the lyrics, but Sinclaire wraps them up in such feelgood packages, with retro synths and driving drumbeats encouraging you to get up and dance your way out of the gloom. I can hear influences of The National, Phoenix, and our own Gang of Youths in the music. Yet the deeply personal nature of these songs ensures they retain their own identity.

Now I’m Ready to Start has just five songs, just enough to ensure each one is outstanding. Just enough to leave us wanting more. Sinclaire will officially launch Now I’m Ready to Start with two launch shows next month. Catch them at Greaser in Brisbane on August 1 and The Chippo Hotel in Sydney on August 3.

Image used with permission from Good Intent

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