Iluka Does It Again With “Fall Apart Again”

Iluka continues her winning ways with her latest single “Fall Apart Again.” This is another retro pop gem from the Sydney singer-songwriter, the kind of track that tugs at your heart while compelling you to reach for your hairbrush and sing it out. Shimmery synths and rich guitars wrap around her distinctive voice so beautifully.

Iluka says it’s “A song I am a little terrified to release into the world because it is so painfully close to my heart. What to say … heartbreak, love lost. There’s no human words to articulate it. To do it justice. I wrote this on the eve of the end. When I knew it was over but I couldn’t say those words.”

Iluka seems to go from strength to strength. I’ll have this song on repeat for a while, but I can’t wait to hear what’s next from this local talent.

Image used with permission from Beehive PR

2 thoughts on “Iluka Does It Again With “Fall Apart Again”

  1. Iluka will never make it to real stardom, for 2 reasons.
    Firstly; her voice is very average, and her songs are repetitive and dull, but no one seems to have the guts to say that. She loves to go on about how unfair it is for women artists in a male-dominated industry, but that is not her problem. It’s just that she’s not very good, and never will be. Also her videos are all about ridiculous fancy dress and prancing in front of the camera in some self-serving childish fantasy world.
    But the main reason is that she is so DUMB. She has the IQ of a frog.

  2. Hi Me – thanks for weighing in and stopping by. Music is so subjective. I really enjoyed Iluka’s album, but I understand it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. I can take or leave a bunch of artists other people like because they’re just not for me. I don’t see the need to attack her personally though. I’m not sure you’re really in a position to comment on her IQ (and from where I sit, she seems to be making pretty smart pop music). I do appreciate you stopping by and commenting though! Different tastes make the music world go round. Hopefully you discover some other music that does match your tastes a bit more here. 🙂

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