Kick Back With CLEAR’s New Single, “Somnium”

Mondays are always challenging, but after a week away from my desk this one is a little harder than most. Thankfully I’ve got “Somnium,” the dreamy new single from Queensland’s CLEAR to get me through.

It’s a sophisticated sophomore single for their new Aussie artist, a track that encourages listeners to slow their breathing, clear their minds, and take a moment for themselves. Her voice is stellar, but she’s got much more than that on her side. CLEAR self-recorded the song in her rural Victorian hometown, proving you don’t need a fancy studio to get results.

“Somnium is an anthem for the dreamers,” CLEAR explained. “Our society can often discourage us from believing in the value of our passions, so the song is about being present— appreciating our collective human disposition to be idealistic, ambitious, daring and hopeful … about allowing ourselves to believe in our creative abilities, not stifling or dismissing them … to see the world around us as a smorgasbord of potential. Everything we have created was once pure imagination, after all… and to stay soft … open. To understand vulnerability is true strength. To bring back that inner child and remember our creative nature … to believe in it again.”

With a willingness to experiment and natural musical talent, expect big things from CLEAR.

Image used with permission from A&R Music

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