Unbroken Expanse Will Rock Your Socks Off With “Go”

For many Aussies, today is the day we’ve been dreading, the day we head back to the office after that well-earned festive break. Days like that deserve rocking soundtracks to help fire us up. If you’re looking for a song that fits the bill, look no further than “Go,” the life-affirming new track from Northern Territory outfit Unbroken Expanse.

‘During the writing of ‘Go,’ my partner, Jess, was days from giving birth to our son, Elvis,” explained the band’s singer, songwriter, and guitarist, Wheezy. “His impending arrival made me think more and more about how his generation will need to connect with each other more than any generation before it … the song is a message to him, and to all of us, to maintain a progressive, positive view of the world as often as we can. To move forward. To ‘Go.’”

This band from Tennant Creek holds nothing back, and the song is richer for it. Turn it up loud and enjoy this one. Just don’t be surprised when you find yourself hitting play for another go round after it’s done. This is Aussie rock done right.

Unbroken Expanse will launch “Go” at Melbourne’s Gasometer Hotel on January 22.

Image used with permission from the A&R Department

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