Parker Impresses With “Become the Fool”

Tasmanian artist Parker creates the kind of music that stops you in your tracks and forces you to listen. She wowed me with her last single “Can’t Keep Waiting” and she’s done it again with her latest release “Become the Fool.”

The term artist gets bandied around a little too freely in the music world for my liking, but Parker is one talent deserving of the title. She’s a musician, songwriter, and visual artist who uses her creative abilities to create truly transformative works. Listening to “Become the Fool” is arresting, but when you take it in while watching the music video the experience becomes even richer. You feel the heartbreak while listening to her achingly angelic vocals and poignant lyrics.

“This is the first song that was co-written with my writing and production team, Hans Van Vliet (QLD) and Becki Whitton (VIC), across three states and I’m really excited about it,” Parker said. “When a relationship ends it can be devastating. But what happens afterwards can be a beautiful mess of experiences and vivid feelings. When I got to the end of my longest relationship, I realised I had lost so much of myself. I had been living for someone else and their dreams for so long I didn’t know who I was without them. But through this experience, I was set free to find myself again, to pursue my creative practice with all my heart.”

And yes, you read that right, this is only the first song to come out of this creative partnership. I can’t wait to hear what else it brings.

Image used with permission from On the Map PR

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