KG Celebrates Ladies With “Superwoman”

KG pays tribute to the ladies with his stellar new single “Superwoman.” The hip hop industry has a history of denigrating women, so it’s refreshing to see an artist like KG going his own way.

“The song ‘Superwoman’ was inspired to empower and uplift women, to acknowledge the importance of the women in our lives and what they do,” the Botswana-born, Canberra-raised rapper explained.

KG’s never been afraid to break the mould though. Past tracks have explored his family and cultural roots. This one was inspired by his mother, who raised him alone in a foreign country. The cover art features the image of another strong woman, Zozibini Tunzi. In 2019 she became the first black South African woman crowned Miss Universe.

“Zozibini depicts a modern-day superwoman. To think once black women were once not even allowed to vote because of the colour of their skin. Now they are being crowned Queens of the world. That gives young black girls so much hope to be anything they want to be.”

I love the way KG continues to innovate with every release. I can’t wait to hear what comes next.

Image used with permission from Freedom Music

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