Cry Club Drops Indie-Pop Banger “Nine of Swords” Ahead of Album Release

Melbourne indie-pop act Cry Club are just about to drop their debut album God I’m Such a Mess. Before they do, the duo is giving us a taste of their new music with the release of single “Nine of Swords.”

This track is so much fun. It’s the kind of music that has you reaching for a hairbrush mic and bouncing around your bedroom, dancing like no one’s watching. Or maybe that’s just me? Either way, it’s such an upbeat ditty that celebrates overcoming personal anxieties and developing healthier coping mechanisms. Yay for that!

“I have a habit of running from the bad things happening in my life, ignoring them or blaming them on mercury retrograde,” explained vocalist Heather Riley. However, being so honest about her challenges might not have been the hardest thing about the single release.
“This entire single release has been a test of our creativity in lockdown. When it became clear we probably wouldn’t have access to a studio because of lockdown, we worked with our director, Jack (Alexander), to come up with a super DIY concept which we could shoot on an iPhone, and put it together with a little help from Spotlight and our housemates.”

God I’m Such a Mess drops on November 13. Until then, crank this one up and reach for that hairbrush!

Image used with permission from Future Popes; credit: Giulia McGauran

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