Apollo Blue Introduces Us to “Moonchild”

Apollo Blue celebrates classic rock sounds with his new single “Moonchild.” One look at the cover and you know this South Australian-born, Melbourne-based performer isn’t your average musician. His androgynous look takes its cues from David Bowie and I can hear a hint of Freddie Mercury in his commanding vocals. There are elements of glam rock and psychedelic rock here that help this single really stand out among the current crop of releases.

“’Moonchild’ was written in the middle of the night after I had left a grungy gig and was strutting home in the rain through wintry Melbourne with my favourite black boots and silver glitter pants on,” Apollo Blue recalls. “I felt free and powerful still reeling from the excitement of the nightlife. I noticed an onlooker from their balcony and wondered who they were and what they thought of me: a mysterious platinum blonde racing through a storm in the middle of the night. I developed this into an ominous character, The Moonchild, who only emerges at night and lives off of rain clouds and stormy skies. I had a rock energy coursing through my veins and I couldn’t wait to get home and transform that feeling and fantasy world into music. The song was written before I could even reach the keyboard … the Moonchild is a metaphor for the powerful, confident force that we all possess inside of us.”

This is such a cool track, but something tells me listening to the recording isn’t the best way to experience it. Can you imagine hearing those insane vocals in person? Hopefully with Melbourne opening up, it’s not too long before music lovers can see Apollo Blue on stage.

Image used with permission from On the Map PR

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