“A Kingswood Christmas” – Kingswood

When I heard Aussie rock act Kingswood released a Christmas album, I wasn’t sure what to expect. The tracklist was traditional, but I was sure there had to be a modern, subversive twist. So I resisted for weeks, sticking to my reliable playlist of Christmas favourites rather than trying something new. Now that I’ve finally pressed play, I wonder why I didn’t do it sooner. A Kingswood Christmas is a festive feast of nostalgia.

From the opening piano notes of their jazzy take on “White Christmas” I realised I’d misjudged our Aussie rock legends. While their originals have rock edge, these Christmas covers pay loving homage to influences including Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, and Nat King Cole.

The piano is a strong presence throughout this album. It reminds me a lot of Vince Gauraldi and his A Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack. It also gives these tunes a really festive feel. You can just imagine the lads from Kingswood singing around that piano on Christmas Day, with martinis in hand. The album moves from swinging tunes like “Let it Snow” and “Winter Wonderland” to more poignant moments such as “The Christmas Song” and “I’ll Be Home for Christmas.” While secular music dominates, Kingswood still found a place for traditional carols. Classic Christmas tunes like “O Holy Night” and “Silent Night” don’t usually do much for me, but Kingswood’s reverent versions are unexpectedly moving.

If all of that hasn’t convinced you to ditch Michael Buble this year and give our local lads a try, consider this. Profits from all sales of A Kingswood Christmas will benefit Beyond Blue’s Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service. Christmas is such a tough time for so many people, but the pandemic will no doubt make it harder. Knowing Kingswood are helping out puts another big tick beside this album for me.

A Kingswood Christmas is out now.

Image used with permission from Beehive PR

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